woensdag 5 oktober 2016

Business News London Today:

Ex-Tesla rival Fisker rejoins electric car race

  • 6 hours ago
  • From the section Business

Fisker KarmaImage copyrightAFP
Image captionThe 2012 Fisker Karma was a short-lived venture

Tesla's former rival in pioneering electric cars, Henrik Fisker, has re-entered the electric car market announcing two new models.
Mr Fisker's previous company, Fisker Automotive, founded in 2007, built luxury cars popular with celebrities until its high profile 2013 bankruptcy.
For his new venture, Mr Fisker has announced both a high-end car as well as an affordable mass-market model. 
Carmakers worldwide are increasingly focusing on the electric market. 
Reviving his rivalry with Tesla, Mr Fisker promised "a significantly longer battery life and range than any battery currently on the market".
"Both the technology and the market are more mature now than when we first started out as pioneers in the electric vehicle industry, and our new vehicle will be the most innovative and cutting-edge electric car ever created," he said. 

Henrik FiskerImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionMr Fisker is both veteran and newcomer to the market

Before starting his first electric car company in California, the Danish designer worked for car firms including Aston Martin and BMW. 
The Fisker Karma model, released in 2012 for $100,000, attracted a lot of celebrity interest with buyers such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber.
But after selling around 2, 000 vehicles, Mr Fisker left the company and it filed for bankruptcy protection in 2013 owing US taxpayers $139m (£109m). 
It later saw its assets sold to Chinese company Wanxiang. 

Leonardo DiCaprioImage copyrightAFP
Image captionHollywood celebrities were among the fans of Mr Fisker's first models

Despite also having failed to ever make a profit, Tesla is preparing the launch of a new mass market model set to be priced lower than its flagship Model S and Model X cars. 
Traditional carmakers like General Motors, Renault Nissan or Volkswagen are also moving into all-electric vehicles.

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